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Occupied American Chapter 13/14 Analysis

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Read Acuña Chapter 13 through 16, with a focus on Chapter          13 and 14.

The following is the focus for the week:

Chapter 13:  Goodbye America:  The Chicana/o in the 1960's

  • Discuss the influence of Civil Rights and the Vietnam War on   Mexican American political activity in the 1960's.
  • Analyze the 1960's Chicana/o movement and the role of the    youth.

Chapter 14:  The 1970's:  The Resurgence of White                    Nationalism

  • Discuss the success and failures of La Raza Unida in the          context of the existing social order.
  • Contextualize the growing desperation of the American Empire from Salvador Allende to Anastasio Somoza.

The 50 Year Anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium just occurred.  Please review the article series by the LA Times below

https://www.latimes.com/projects/chicano-moratorium/ (Links to an external site.) 

The reading for the week is long and it is complex.  Please connect the decades of the 60's and 70's and find a few common themes.  Finally, how does the LA Times article articulate the moratorium and the activism.  Is it fair or not fair? ...reference Acuna and Times      Article. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES


Occupied American Chapter 13/14 Analysis

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Chapter 13

The experience of Mexicans in Vietnam is complicated. There were many war casualties of Mexican origin during the Vietnam war. The number of Mexican American dying in the war were double the number of white soldiers dying on the same battlefield. The Mexican Americans become socially and politically mobile. The Mexican Americans Civil Rights Movement had a broad section of issues ranging from voting and political rights to enhanced education and workers’ rights. The civil rights movement lead to the creation of bicultural and bilingual programs in the southwest improving the conditions of migrant workers, and more Mexican Americans serving in elected posts. The number of Mexicans and Hispanics elected to congress rose significantly in the 1970s.

The Chicano movement describes the moment involving Mexican Americans' ethnic empowerment among protests. The term “Chicano” had existed long before the movement among the Young Mexican Americans. It is in the 1960s that the radicalized Mexican Americans started pushing for new identification. The group was advocating political and social empowerment through cultural nationalism. Among the leading cause for the push and the reinstatement of the Chicano movement was to fight for the end of discrimination, segregation and negative stereotyping of Mexican Americans. The other reason for the rise of the group was to seek and expand the workers’ rights, educational equality, voting rights, and land use (Acuna, 2019).  The Chicano movement managed to lead to the passage of new laws to protect Mexican and Indian American rights. The movement also managed to have Mexican representation in elected officials, improved the working conditions of workers, and hiring of Chicano teachers.

Chapter 14

Laza Unida Party was a party of the Mexican American third party movement. The party supported candidates for the elective office in California, Texas and other areas in the southwest and the Midwest United States. The rise of the party was driven...


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