Think about what you saw in the video and how the infant gains skills in both fine and gross motor development as well as perception, observe two infants between birth and three years of age, with at least 6 months difference in age. Think about what you observed the infants doing in the video and see how the child you are observing is using each of the skills presented in your text and in the video. Be sure to observe how the child is using their fingers, wrist, arm, shoulder, foot, toes, leg. Rather than seeing the child was able to walk, observe how the child is developing balance, lifting one leg, moving the arms, how the ankles are turned, etc. Discuss what you have learned from observing how the child used their motor skills. After your two observations, reflect on what you have seen and how they link to what you have learned in this module. Develop an essay on how these observations have enhanced your understanding. Cite specific examples.