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Nursing Education Seminar I

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Find a current (less than 5 years old) research article on domains of learning. Summarize the article for your classmates in one or two paragraphs. Explain why you chose this study and how you could use this information in your selected area of education (academic, staff, or patient). Be sure to include the entire citation in APA format. The article you select cannot be from any of the course materials or supplemental readings. Be aware that it is a violation of copyright law to post the entire text of an article by someone else to an online discussion board. So be sure to post only the citation information so that the article can be located it if others are interested in reading it. Please include references links.


Nursing Education Seminar I




Learning is universal as it leads to the acquisition of enhanced physical skills, development of attitudes and improvement of mental skills. The domains of learning are categorized into affective, psychomotor and cognitive. Borrowing from the selected article I choose the study of simulation-based nursing education as this form of learning is a progressively common pedagogical approach. Through provisions such as real-life situational experiences students attain the chance to practice their acquired medical skills (Kim, Park, and Shin, 2016). In nursing, simulation-based clinical education involves different activities most notably the use of patient simulators that includes the handling of mannequins, role-playing, and so on (Kim, Park & Shin, 2016). Therefore, this kind of nursing education is imperative in realistic clinical scenarios as it aids nurses to acquire training on unusual emergency situations and acquire effective non-practical skills hence improving patient care services. 

The information on simulation-based nursing education is crucial to patient care services which are my selected area of education. There are various advantages associated with the incorporation of simulation-based clinical education that includes the capacity to issue immediate feedback on the patients' conditions. Besides, the use of...


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