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New Testament Course Analysis Paper

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New Testament Course Analysis Paper


New Testament Course Analysis Paper


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New Testament Course Analysis Paper

The literary genres of the New Testament and their representative books

New Testament of one part of the two Testament of the Bible. It is divided into four genres, each representing a specific period and baring a message to Christian believers. Bailey (1992) analyzed the New Testament and categorized the Gospels as the first genre. This contains books regarding the person and teachings of Jesus Christ and his life, death, and resurrection (Bailey, 1992). This genre includes four main books represented by the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, as well as John. Bailey, 1992 further discusses the second genre defined by Luke's Acts of the Apostles, which talks about the ascending of Jesus Christ and the apostles' activities, giving an overview of the medieval Christina life. The Epistles represent the third group of the New Testament books which was a communication to new Christians by apostles and early Christians to address their doctrines, morality, and how to carry out their practices. There are 21 epistles by Paul, Peter, James, John, and Jude (Bailey, 1992). The last genre of the New Testament, the book of Revelation, commonly called the Apocalypse, mainly reflects on the end time and how Christ will have conquered the devil.

The differences in the Synoptic Gospels and how they differ from the Gospel of John

The Gospel of John differs from the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) based on structure, language, and the intended message. John stresses Jesus' divinity and eternity, while the Synoptic Gospels emphasize his earthly activity. Secondly, John's lessons and metaphors contrast with the Synoptics' because John provides an elaborate and lengthy discussion, while the Synoptic is short and precise. Third, John organizes his material thematically, focusing on grouped aspects. On the other hand, Synoptics arrange it chronologically, starting from the oldest to the newest event. Finally, the Synoptics show Jesus as a human with compassion, anger, and sadness, whereas John emphasizes his unity with God and his function as the Savior (Bailey, 1992). 

A definition of the Gospel message and how it was spread throughout the region in the first and second centuries

The Gospel message carries the same meaning regarding the era it was preached. Early preachers and Christians used the first and second centuries to set the basis for missionary work in preaching the Word of God to all nations. Apostles characterized this era as focused on teaching about Jesus to the entire Roman Empire (Dyck, 2013)....


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