After having read all associated material for lesson three, students should research “Neuromarketing” on the internet. Note that no types of “Wiki” sites are appropriate for this search. Students should access (and list their sources) at least three neuromarketing sites. Upon reviewing the sites, students should formulate their own opinion on this field and note some of the various ways in which neuromarketing is being used. There is some criticism that this field is a ‘pseudoscience’ so students should be prepared to address their thoughts on that as well. Write a one-page paper (350 word minimum) which should include the following: Describe what the concept of neuromarketing is and ways in which it is being used. Include any products that you read about with which neuromarketing was involved. 20 points In your opinion from your research, do you feel this is a legitimate science? Explain why or why not. 20 points Would you personally want to participate in studies where someone uses this technique with you? Why or why not? 20 points Include references at the bottom of the assignment and in text (in paragraph) citations. 15 points Visit the link to review proper APA format for in paragraph citations & references: