Nehemiah 1:4-11 (Links to an external site.) The book of Nehemiah is an excellent example of how good management can facilitate the accomplishment of great things. In Nehemiah 1:3-4, Nehemiah recounts how he heard that the walls of Jerusalem had been broken down. Nehemiah pleaded with God to let him rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. Nehemiah prayed and relied on God for guidance and assistance in planning and executing the task of rebuilding the city wall. This example from Scripture demonstrates the management processes of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Chapter two of the Book of Nehemiah shows how Nehemiah put together his plan and obtained the assistance of King Artaxerxes in securing the materials for the task. In Chapters 3 and 4, Nehemiah organizedthe people of Jerusalem and encouraged them to work at rebuilding the wall. At the same time, the enemies of Jerusalem were threatening to attack the city, so Nehemiah exerted control of the situation by having one half of the men work at rebuilding the wall while the other half stood guard defending the city. Nehemiah demonstrated wise and strong leadership while under great pressure and was able to complete the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Chapter 6 recounts the story of the finishing of the wall in just 52 days! This story not only demonstrates the power of God, but also the value of the processes of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. When we are given a task, we need to execute the four management processes well and complete the task. When it is a task given by God, we need to not only execute the four management processes, but we must rely on God to help lead us in accomplishing the task. Discuss a time when you felt God directing you to a specific task. How can you relate the four functions of management to that task or situation?