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Negotiation Reflective Essay


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYNwc0KuGTc The purpose of this academic reflective essay is to allow students to “reflect” on what they learned from watching the movie "Final Offer," (See Tab Above) while using concepts and theories from Carrell and Heavrin's Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining.  After reading chapters 5 and 6, watch the movie and take notes.  Document the time in the movie you noticed a labor event or term being used.  There are many examples, such as grievances, concealment, etc. that occur during these negotiations.  Although any theory in the entire textbook may be used, students should focus upon Chapters 5 and 6. Writing reflective essays require the use of first-person, as the author (student) is reflecting on events, concepts, and theories they experience and learn from the movie and concepts from reading about labor negotiations.  Reflective essays are not a summary of the chapters OR a summary of the movie.  Rather, they are a form of personally recalling images, thoughts, and feelings in two moments of time: the time of the event or condition that sparked a thought (during the movie) and the time of the writing the essay.  It is a form of looking back at the events and combining and synthesizing what you have learned and experienced with the concepts in the course textbook. Superior academic written work has the right balance between summary of information (the short examples and facts) and with your thoughts supported with evidence). Grade Rubric 25-points total 1) Style and Format ( a.     Written in first person, with APA 7th compliant title page, double-spaced, (No abstract required). b.     Mandatory introduction, thesis sentence, main points, and conclusion.  Proper use of APA style headings to organize work. c.     References must be used AND cited correctly in the text and on the Reference page. d. Student writing contains coherent and fluid somatic messages that demonstrate a sophisticated grasp of the course concepts in terms of sentence structure and vocabulary, with sentences that do not distract from the author’s message. e.  Less than 3 spelling and/or syntax errors.  Minus points thereafter. 3.     2) Reflection/Content Work:  In 4 to 5 pages not over 5.5 written pages, (No abstract.  A Title and Reference page do not count but are required.) Include at least 5 to 6 main learning points.  Used concepts form the film “Final Offer” and connected them to the course text, e.g. define the theory, cite it as per APA 7th, and then state how it relates to the concept you found in the movie (no outside resources).  For example, the scene in the movie where Owen receives feedback on how his pattern bargaining is going in the negotiations (minute 35.0).  The student might say: I found in minute 35 of the movie that Own was using pattern bargaining.  Pattern bargaining is when …. (Carrell and Heavrin, 2013, p. 98).  I now realize that the UAW was using the pattern bargaining tactic because, in the movie, Owen kept insisting that the UAW wanted the Canadian plant to have the same wage structure as several of the US unions who the UAW covered.  I found this tactic was useful or maybe ineffective.  If it was me, I might have done....  (See you you can describe terms, events and then reflect on your ideas of whether they were good or bad.  It will be up to the student to decide how best to present their concepts. Clearly demonstrates reflective learning.  Writing is clearly focused on the appropriate audience; the purpose of the essay is evident with supporting facts and ideas.  Followed the 70-80/30-20 rule in this outline – a balance of facts and learning rather than summarizing what occurred in the movie or textbook.   Guided Questions: By using the course text and the movie: What went well in the negotiations? What didn’t go well? What did you learn from negotiations? What should the UAW or Employer have done differently? Were both sides prepared?
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