Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: Nature and Importance of Pastoral Care in Schools. Care providers within schools are mostly school chaplains, counselors and teachers. It is important to note that for the needs of students to be met easily, pastoral care programs must not omit the inclusion of teachers, parents, or caretakers and the school management in their implementation. Browne and Haylock (31) suggested that teachers need to understand that a relationship of respect, care and mutual trust with their students can be therapeutic and can facilitate their fast recovery. The role of parents and the society from which students come are also evaluated since they influence the social values of young people. This is to say that the environment of a student is crucial to their total wellbeing. Pastoral caregivers have the tasks of assisting students with their developmental problems. This is because the adolescent stage of development comes with a lot of stress to most teenagers, leading to their inability to cope with the challenges of this stage. They work with students with this kind of difficulty to help them build life skills and coping skills. A lot of this work has to do with strengthening the esteem of the young people as well as developing their awareness and self-identity. Pastoral caregivers are also involved in teaching students how to study effectively by managing their time and enhancing their study skills (Dykstra 62). Students are further taught on how to deal with conflict daily in school. Managing anger and self-control are taught as spiritual values that need to be emulated and practiced. Self-discipline and the ability to make the right choices and decisions are taught together with the spiritual and moral implications of not observing them. Pastoral care programs also deal directly with the identity of young people in relation to their spiritual purpose, their attitudes in life, and in addressing both their strengths and weaknesses.