Content of Paper: you must identify what the work is, artist if possible, period of art, dimensions, and location. Discuss what it is about this work that makes it an example of a certain period. What are the characteristics that make it part of a certain art historical period? You are not to say things such as I like this, or this caught my eye, etc. What is the historical background of the work? Did the art have a particular purpose? What is the meaning or the iconography/symbolism of the work. Be sure that you explain what is it that makes a work Old Kingdom Egyptian, Early Christian, Romanesque, High Classical Greek, or Gothic as examples. You must cite all information. You may use the museum's website which will have good scholarly information. Use your textbook, or go to the library and find a book. Do not use Wikipedia, travel websites, or popular non-scholarly websites. If you have a question, ask me as to whether or not a source is suitable. You must have at least 2 sources for your paper. You must footnote either within the paper or at the end. The last page of the paper will have your bibliography. Use your textbook, and another scholarly source. Do not use Wikipedia, travel websites, or other popular websites. Do not use youtube, A&E, the Discovery Channel, Khanacademy, smartarthistory, etc. Do not use any of that sort of thing. Go to a library, and check out a book. Do not use an encyclopedia. Use Kindle. You can tell the quality of a book by its publisher such as Yale, Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, etc. If you have a question about your source ask me. You may use the museum website where the work is now located. Again, don't surf the internet for easy information. If you do not use correct sources, you will receive no credit. Failure to do this assignment will result in 20 points being deducted from your last exam. You can use your text book as one source. You need at least two quality sources. If your work is in the British Museum, use their website. If your work is in a top museum, use that website. Try the Met's Heilbrunn Timeline of Art. NO PLAGIARISM. For citations Professor suggested: I choose Kritios Boy which was study in the class. Here the link of the Museum: Link where I found the picture: YOU CAN EDITED THE DOCUMENT ATTACHED.