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Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

The information about 2

3 slides indicated below is just a summery of your

presentation work. You start by indicated what you will talk about by summerizing

(listing) the key issues in the first 2 slides.


Then you can start elaborating using the instructions and elements pointed out.


as if you are presenting to a group of people, however, its not a speach....

Just do a common research and incorporate some opinions.

Create a presentation of a disease/disorder of your choice. The presentation is to

be as if you were presenting to a group or organization about the disease. The

presentation should be in the format of a PowerPoint presentation. Adequate

completion of the presentation requires following the instructions below. It is

expected that the presentation will include the following: ? 2

of the key points of the presentation ? Basic description of the disease and its


3 slide presentation

pathophysiology. ? Discussion of how the condition presents clinically, the tests that

are used in diagnosis, the prognosis and recommended treatments. 


Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Summary of presentation

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
This disease attacks the CNS.

  • It potentially disables the spinal cord as well as the brain.

  • In Multiple Sclerosis, myelin or the protective sheath that provides cover for nerve

    fibers is attacked by the immune system.

  • The attack on myelin disrupts the communication between the brain and the other parts of the body.

    Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
    Bowel movement and bladder function problems Dizziness
    Slurred speech
    Unsteady gait, lack of coordination, or tremor
    Pain or tingling sensation
    Prolonged double vision



To make a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, a physician must conduct Evokedpotentialtests

Bloodtests Prognosis

Medical practitioners believe that Multiple Sclerosis is caused by the following factors Infection



There is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

There are possible treatment options that make the disease symptoms manageable.

Corticosteroids are the most commonly used treatment category for Multiple Sclerosis.

The reduction of nerve inflammation involves the use of intravenous methylprednisolone and oral prednisone.

Some medical practitioners prescribe plasma exchange if a patient fails to respond well to steroids.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

  • This is a long-lasting disabling disease that affects the optic nerves, spinal cord, and the brain through demyelination of brain cells and nerve fiber.

  • It results in patient developing problems with essential body functions, muscle control, balance, and vision.

  • Patients who have Multiple Sclerosis often depict varying symptoms depending on the amount of nerve damage and disruptions.

  • Some of the patients have mild symptoms while others have severe symptoms.

  • Some of the patients with severe Multiple Sclerosis tend to lose the ability to walk independently.

  • The exact cause of the disease remains unknown, but it is argued that it is an autoimmune condition.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

  • Multiple Sclerosis presents itself clinically through different notable signs and symptoms; however, this depends on the exact area that the central nervous system has been demyelinated.

  • It is quite difficult for medical practitioners to predict the progress of Multiple Sclerosis in an individual considering the variance in signs and symptoms in patients.

  • The signs and symptoms of this disease include;

    Slurred speech
    Painful involuntary contraction of muscles Body tremors
    Poor muscle coordination
    Spasticity of muscles
    Urine retention problems
    Pregnancy issues

  • Adults and children depict the same signs and symptoms, except children are affected by seizures.


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