Watch the movie scarface and study the character Tony Montana. Watch the movie and then write a paper that includes the following: Observe the behaviors of your character and note each of these behaviors and personality characteristics. Explain the behaviors and characteristics of your character based on one or more of the theories of personality we have covered in the course. Based on what you have learned about the development of personality explain how these behaviors and characteristics might have developed within the personality of your character. In what way do these behaviors and characteristics serve your character well or get in the way of relationships and other aspects of life. What coping mechanisms does your character use? Draw any conclusions that you have come to about your character’s personality. This paper should be at least 4 – 5 pages in length. Quality is more important than quantity. You need to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the material and that you are able to apply it including the use of theory. Consider relationships, environmental situations, culture and ethnic contributions to the personality of your character. Please write it in an organized essay format not just sentences to answer my questions.