Note: EVERYTHING in your essay should be written in your own words. Do NOT use any outside sources or websites. If you MUST use the course text, place any sentences you take from it in quotation marks. Consider the following situation: Three individuals are in bad need of a heart transplant: 1) A sixty-five year old doctor who, besides being a pillar of society (a well-respected man), is on the cutting edge of cancer research. 2) An eight year old orphan who is mildly retarded. And 3) a twenty-five year old who, though a former drug abuser (his history of self-abuse is why he needs a new heart) is married with three children. Here is the problem: There is only one heart available. One of these individuals will receive the transplant, the rest will die. First, choose two out the following four theories: Moral Relativism, Divine Command Theory, Utilitarianism, and Kantian Ethics. Second, after defining the theories you choose, explain how these theories would handle the above scenario. Who would they give the heart to, and why? Do this to the best of your ability: just show me the reasoning behind each theory (in regards to the above situation). You might have to use a little imagination here. Third, explain whether or not you agree with the two theories you choose (in regards to how they would handle the scenario). Why or why not? Fourth, placing all of these theories aside: who would you give the heart to? Explain your reasoning.