Moral judgment and law (Arendt on Eichmann): Explain the meaning of Arendt’s thesis on the “banality of evil,” and how it applies to the moral judgment of Eichmann. How does this argument challenge our understanding of the relationship between the moral judgment of individuals and the law? Instructions: Compose a 2000-word research essay, on one of the list of topics concerning the relation of law, rights and political morality provided below (these list of topics correspond to individual weekly modules in the course). Your paper must draw upon at least three primary sources relevant to the topic (consult the syllabus for the list of relevant readings for each weekly topic). These three sources may include: the required readings, supplementary readings, or landmark cases. You may also read multiple chapters from the same work to fulfill this requirement (i.e. topics 11 or 12). You must consult either myself or your TA and get approval if you would like to base your argument on a source/case not listed in the syllabus. Evaluation Criteria: 1) A clear understanding of the issue. Your paper should demonstrate clear evidence that you have read and understood the primary source material. You can clearly explain key concepts and show a general understanding of the topic. 2) Effectively explain the key debates or controversies relevant to the issue. Demonstrate understanding of the competing normative/moral considerations. 3) Engage in a fair and objective comparison of competing normative/moral positions, and development an argument in support of one of those positions, carefully explaining your justification for this position.