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Module 2 Assignment – Effective Communication for Leaders

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You must choose a real and popular company. and explains an actual issue that happened to them. Then answer all 8 questions by writing the question and provided an answer in a paragraph form. I have attached 3 PowerPoints for the class reading materials. One reference must be the book below and cite 2 more concerning the case/issues selected for that company ISBN-13: 9781305502086

Module 2 Assignment – Effective Communication for Leaders

For this assignment, students are expected to research a recent crisis a well-known organization has experienced. Assess how the leaders communicated during the crisis situation. A successful submission will address these aspects of how the leaders handled the crisis:

       Did they take responsibility for the crisis?

       Did they build trust with stakeholders?

       Did they communicate a plan for resolving the crisis?

       Did the leader build trust or use expertise to persuade the audience?

       Was there a particular communication style used?

       What communication channels were utilized?

       Was there an example of a communication breakdown that can be explained?

       Was cross-cultural communication a component of the crisis at all?

Use the concepts presented in the resources posted in Canvas, as well as the course textbook, to analyze how the crisis was handled by the organization’s leadership.  Synthesize the course materials presented in Canvas and the textbook. Submit a slideshow synthesizing the course content with your selected example. Students can choose to submit the slideshow in Power Point, Prezi, Keynote, Canva, or other desktop publishing or design software. The slideshow should be saved as PDF file and uploaded to Canvas.

Charts, graphs, figures, pictures, and visual graphics are encouraged. The final slide should include a list of sources utilized in form of a list of References.

Grading Rubric:

60% Quality of Content, Explanation of Crisis, and addressing the 8 assigned questions

30% Professionalism of Slideshow, neatness, accuracy, grammar, spelling, attractive layout

10% References Slide



Module 2 Assignment – Effective Communication for Leaders

Pepsi experienced negative criticism from the public in 2017 when they launched a campaign called "Live for Now-Moment." The campaign included striking black people and beyond; it featured a 21-year-old supermodel, Kendall Jenner. Herrmann (2018), in the advert, Jenner is shown as one of those who join the protest and eventually approaches a cop countering protestors with a can of Pepsi. The officer accepts the can, and he takes a sip.

Did they take responsibility for the crisis?

Yes, Pepsi took responsibility for its advert after the public adversely perceived it. They accepted their mistakes of using black lives Matter to promote its products, as argued by many people in social media. Pulled it down to prove to the public that they respect their rights as customers. The company did not matter the amount of cost it incurred to create the advert.

Did they build trust with stakeholders?

            Yes, the company built trust with stakeholders accepting their mistakes and acknowledging the customers' correcting messages on social media. They apologized for violating human rights in promoting their products.

Did they communicate a plan for resolving the crisis?

Yes, Pepsi promised the public they would build global unity after confessing the error and promised to do better. They swore before the public never again to hire such as an ad in the name of advertising. The company regretted airing and ad that offended the public.

Did the leader build trust or use expertise to persuade the audience?

            The company CEO used persuasion expertise to build built trust. He first listened to what the public had to say about the ad the company had put in their campaign; he then carefully chose the words he used to r apologize for the company's mistake. "Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding (


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