THE ASSIGNMENT:Find a modern film (anything from 2000 to present) that mimics the hallmarks of those made from roughly 1967 - 1975, during what is known as the New Hollywood Era.Demonstrate your knowledge of the influence of the quintessential New Hollywood filmmakers (approximately 1967 – 1975) by comparing the hallmark styles and techniques of those pictures (use "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" or "The Graduate") with a relatively modern (anything from 2000 to present) film.Some of the things to look for would be:Theme of rebellion A hero fighting the system and losingStory lines emphasizing the loss of innocence“Anti-Heroes” that the audience is rooting for“The Establishment” as the enemyDowner endingsPopular music soundtracksOften stylish, fast-cutting, consciously showy filmmakingREMEMBER, you must compare your modern film of choice with EITHER "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" or "The Graduate."Your analysis should be at least 2 pages, double-spaced.