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Mini Case Study-Paper Johns

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Case Study

Organizational strategies include three dimensions, which are defined as corporate, firm, and business level. It must be understood that all of these dimensions although seemingly operate separately- they act are interrelated and assisting the firm to achieve a competitive advantage.

In this assignment we will review a case on Papa Johns  ATTACHED (located in the required textbook, Chapter 6, p.167).  Papa Johns is the 3rd largest pizza chain in the US and the company has more than 35,000 locations, which over 600. Papa Johns is a global chain that operates around the world.  However, like many companies Papa Johns have had issues with rapid turnover, training, and the recruitment of drivers.  There are also other competitive services that has entered the space of delivery services, as well, forcing Papa Johns to adjust its strategy to remain viable.

The appropriate strategy of growth, stability, or retrenchment hinges on the firms situation.In this assignment, you are to read the case in your text. There are also links in your text that you can refer too. After an assessment of Papa Johns, you should answer the following questions for this mini case study.



1.      Does saturation of the market suggest a stability strategy for Papa John's, or are there sufficient opportunities globally to justify aggressive growth? Explain

2.      To what extent do low-cost pizza providers pose a threat to Papa John's?

3.      How has Covid-19 affected Papa John's corporate strategy to maintain a competitive advantage over it's rivals?

4.      Then discuss the applications and limitations of generic business strategies and strategic groups in this new climate.

Case Challenges

1.    Does saturation of the market suggest a stability strategy for Papa John’s, or do the global opportunities justify aggressive growth? Explain.

2.    To what extent do low-cost pizza providers like Little Caesar’s and cicis pose a threat to Papa John’s?

3.    Should Papa John’s develop eat-in restaurants like Pizza Hut or stick to delivery and carryout service?

Suggested Sources

Biz Journals, “Papa John’s Benefitted from Sticking to Its Motto and a Bit of Luck,” 15 July 2015, http://www. bizjournals.com/louisville/news/2015/10/30/papa-johnsnext-new-market-is-in-south-america.html.

A. Janofsky, “Fast Food Restaurants Get Creative When They

Go Abroad,” Wall Street Journal, 26 May, 2015, http://www .wsj.com/articles/fast-food-franchises-get-creative-whenthey-go-abroad-1432318075.

N. Kirsch, “Papa John’s Founder Used N-Word on Conference Call,” Forbes, 11 July 2018, https://www.forbes.com/ sites/noahkirsch/2018/07/11/papa-johns-founderjohn-schnatter-allegedly-used-n-word-on-conferencecall/#18e3ed864cfc.

D. A. Mann, “Papa John’s Next New Market Is South America,” Biz Journals, 30 October 2015, http://www.bizjournals.com/ louisville/news/2015/10/30/papa-johns-next-new-market-isin-south-america.html.

G. Schneider, “Papa John’s Franchisees Ordered to Pay Back

Wages,” USA Today, 20 October 2015, http://www .usatoday.com/story/money/nation-now/2015/10/20/ papa-johns-labor-violations/74299592/.

Chapter 6 Corporate-Level Strategies




Mini Case Study-Papa Johns


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 Mini Case Study-Papa Johns

Yes, saturation is the market suggests a saturated strategy of Papa John's. It is a strategy in which a firm focuses on maintaining its current market share. Papa John's can adopt the approach by concentrating on its existing market and products such as pizza. The company has several franchises in various countries, some of which are performing poorly due to local businesses offering similar products at a lower cost. Olsen Wagner and Thack (2016) pizza outlets are growing faster than the market growth rate. It has now become a challenge for Papa John's to attract new customers in a stagnant market. The organization can adopt a saturated market strategy successfully by supplying the same products to the existing customers. It is cheaper for Papa John's to maintain the current customers by providing excellent customer service and after-sales services than attracting new products or striving to attract new customers.

Low-cost pizza providers are threatening Papa John's to a great extent. There are low-cost pizza providers operating independently in their local regions. They compete with various Papa John's outlets, which are centrally controlled. Their low-priced products would attract a large proportion of customers whose primary focus is the prices of the commodity rather than the quality of the items offered. Low-income earners make the largest portion of clients in the pizza market, and they centrally shop for low-priced products. So, since Papa John's primary focus is the quality and freshness of their products, most of its customers would remain medium and high-income earners whose prime focus is the value for money spent rather than the product price. It is challenging for Papa John's to attract new customers because lowering costs to match market forces might result in a loss that can push them out of the market.

The emergency of Covid-19 has dramatically reduced the number of customers served by Papa Johns, which is its primary source of competitive advantages. Initially, Papa John served customers from several outlets across the globe and therefore...


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