Please choose 3 questions out of the following 4 questions for discussion. Please make sure you understand what is the meaning/process "conceptualization" and "operationalization" before you respond to the following questions. 1. How would you conceptualize terrorism? (Hartley's book pages 93-100 can be helpful) Under certain definitions of terrorism, why might the military operations of some countries be considered terrorism, in essence making their government terrorists? 2. Please conceptualize and operationalize “school violence?” Please carefully define this term so that it is not to be confused with those common terms (bully, for example) we use in daily conversations. 3. In Wolff and colleagues’ paper (Hartley, P. 100-111), what do they say are some problems with comparing victimization rates inside prison versus rates of the general population not in prison? (you may find the article through Lamar online journal. The references for the article is "Wolff, H., Jing, S., & Bachman, R. (2008). Measuring victimization inside prisons: Questioning the question. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(10), 1343-1362.") 4. According to Batton and Kadleck’s research (Hartley, p. 111-126), what is the most difficult component of measuring racial profiling? What would you do to deal with the issue if you will be conducting a similar study? (you may find the article through Lamar online journal. The references for the article is "Batton, C., & Kadleck, C. (2004). Theoretical and methodological issues in racial profiling research. Police Quarterly, 7(1), 30-64.")