Theory and Practice PaperThe 19th century in Asia was full of chaos, while Asia nations attempted to wrestle with the changes of modernity and the external pressures from European nations requesting trade and treaty recognition. Japan navigated these times with specific success, which was eventually emulated by other nations. This class and Jansen’s Making of Modern Japan both assert the claim that Japan proves a valuable example to the rest of Asia and the world on how to successfully respond to external threats to sovereignty. Applying this, the goal of this paper is to attribute cause for the effects of the Meiji Restoration. Was this change because of the choices made by late Tokugawa and Meiji leadership? Or was it determined beforehand by the historical foundation of the Tokugawa Bakufu and Imperial faction reacting naturally to European power? Additionally, is Japan’s example as useful as the book claims?Proper formatting must be used, see Turabian.Header, page number, title, cover page**must use the topics discussed in "Making Modern Japan", and in Discourses to make their arguments