Essay #1: InstructionsBy completing this essay, a proposal on meditation, you will learn the basics of writing a college research essay. You will present this proposal to a targeted audience, providing the reasons why they should adopt a meditation practice into their lives and how they would do it. A successful research essay demonstrates your mastery dozens of skills and habits. Since these take time to learn, the final draft of essay #1 is not due until Week 8. Along the way, you will complete assignments, readings, drafts, and discussions to pick up the fundamentals. It is very important that you complete all this homework.If you do so while earning Cs, Ds, and Fs, you will have given yourself a foundation to earn a much higher grade for the course. How? This class has two tiers of homework. The first time you do a certain kind of assignment and the subsequent times you do that same assignment. For most, providing that you have met the minimum requirements, your grade will reflect what you have achieved with your last effort and not be an average of all your efforts.Here’s a concrete example. You will put together three annotated bibliographies (don’t worry if you don’t yet know what that is) this semester, one for essay #1, and two for essay #2. You’ve never heard of an annotated bibliography: you read the directions, review the student example, do the work, and earn a C minus. With the next annotated bibliography, you work differently based on a review of your last efforts. This time you meet the minimum word count. This time none of your sources is Googled garbage. This time you earn a B. That’s better, but not good enough for you. With the last annotated bibliography, you now know all the traps that will lower your grade and avoid them. This last time, you earn an A. In my class, you will not earn an A just for the last annotated bibliography, but for the previous two as well,Let’s get back to the essay itself. A proposal essay asks its readers to take a course of action. The essay both explains the merits of this action and how the audience can take the action themselves. The second part is very important for your meditation essay. Your targeted audience will reject your proposal if you have not shown them how mediation will fit into their lives. Imagine that you are writing to an audience of married women with children working from home while the whole family is home. Dad is working there too. The children attend school in the living room.What response will this audience think about a proposal that provides general information about meditation? What will they think of being told that 15 minutes of meditation per day is the ideal? Or a source that reminds them that meditation can help reduce stress? Most likely, they will not be persuaded.You might ask why go to the trouble of writing for a specific audience. Wouldn’t it be easier to write to everyone? I’ve spent the last twenty years watching students learn the answer by trying that solution. Essays for general audiences have a few problems. They often are so boring the student wants to change topics three weeks in. It takes enormous expertise in a subject to write for everyone and be compelling. General audiences lead to a very broad take on the subject. This too is where content experts have a big advantage. But when you specify an audience, you will also sharpen the focus of your essay. Go back to the example of the married mothers working from home. You have a challenge when proposing that they should start meditating every day. Readers, especially your professors, will be intrigued to see how you answered the objections and concerns of that audience. Requirements for Final Draft• Essay attempts to fulfill most of the items on the Checklist for Essay #1. No one expects you to show mastery of every element of a research essay with this first one. But let’s get past ignorance of any new concepts.• 1500-2000 words• A clearly identifiable audience with three or more distinct characteristics.• Ten or more sources. I am providing five sources. (They will be posted to Canvas before you start the Annotated Bibliography in Week 5). You can use those provided or replace them, in whole orin part, with sources of equal or better quality.• Two of your ten required sources must be books.• Ten of your sources meet the criteria given on the Checklist for Essay #1. With sources beyond the required ten, be sure not to use any that will cause your readers to question the integrity of the research that supports your essay.