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Medical Drug Research


For the New Drug Design (1-1 ½ pg), you must provide the following information with justification and rationale: Name of drug, cellular target (what specific structure or pathways does it target), how does it work (explain the molecular mechanism of action), how will it be administered (is it injected or oral), for how long, at what dose, how will you make the public aware of this new drug, how will you get it to the patients that need it, what is the cost, all the while keeping in mind that it must have low toxicity to the patient. Include a discussion of how you would determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Therapuetic Index (TI).   What possible side effects or allergies do you imagine your drug having on the patient?  You must list at least 3 possible side effects to patients and why they would occur. For the New Chemical/Disinfectant Research (1-1 ½ pg), you must provide the following information with justification and rationale: Name of chemical, against what molecular part of the pathogen will you design your chemical against, how will it work (explain the molecular mechanism of action), how will it be used (as a sterilant, disinfectant, antiseptic), what concentration, general application of chemical (used in hospitals, homes, workplace etc), how will you make the public aware of this new chemical, how will you make this chemical accessible to the general public, what is the cost, all the while keeping in mind that it must have little or no side effects to humans.  Do you need special precautions to safely store it? Also include a brief summary of how chemicals work and why they are effective against inhibiting microbes. i am doing the assignment on a helminth called ancylostoma duodenale that penetrates the skin of humans. you cant target the cell membrane or ribosomes in humans and must find a unique pathway that is effective and not toxic to humans. for the chemical/disinefctant and antibiotic it must be brand new but can go basedon existing one but explain how is yours different.
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