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PART1: The
Future of the Magazine Industry
According to Dr. Samir Husni, a magazine is a printed content that
conveys some message to the readers. Readers of a magazine must also be
specified in its definition. For example, different magazines are printed to
target a particular population. A magazine aimed at addressing technology has a
specific focus on audiences interested in that topic. Additionally, Dr. Samir
Husni's definition of a magazine is that it should be written content rather
than digital media that people access using the internet. For example, Dr.
Magazine indicates that blogs, lifestyle cites, and other digitally accessible
content do not constitute to a magazine. His idea is that for information to be
considered as a magazine, there must be "ink on paper," otherwise,
such content is not worth being regarded as a magazine. The idea of the print
must, therefore, become a reality in the definition of a magazine.
Dr. Samir Husni's view of the magazine industry's future is that
it is neither winning nor losing in the race amidst the digital sources. In
essence, he believes that if the magazine's future was not promising, then
global market leaders such as Netflix and Airbnb would not be focusing much
investments on the print magazine. Additionally, he adds that due to the fear
companies such as Twitter may ban businesses from advertising, magazines'
relevance remains to remedies such instances. His optimism on the bright future
of magazine extends to include how magazine business should conduct their
businesses to ensure sustainable operations. For example, Dr. Samir Husni
indicates that magazine businesses should focus on the depth of their content
rather than breadth. This way, their content would be more appealing for people
to read. Finally, Dr. Samir Husni depicts his position regarding magazines by
indicating that there is no way a virtual content can replace physical reading
due to the aesthetic that comes with reading physical magazines. Therefore,
even in the future, the magazine will still be around with us, and even gain
more popularity as the world learn to treasure more physical reading.
Part 2:
magazine Analysis
Question 1: I
reviewed The Week. Volume 20, March 27, 2020. USA.
Question 2:
The magazine's purpose is to sensitize people about coronavirus to promote
awareness and safety.
Question 3:...