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Customer Behavior
What is the behavior of customers when buying mobile phone gadgets?
1. Introduction (introduce the marketing/consumer behavior situation selected …This is market for mobile phone, with emphasis to technology advancement) (150 WORDS)
2. Define the target market (Here, you will talk about people with a demand for modern phone gargets…(This may means young people)…Demographics, buying patterns…Show figures and consumption patterns) (300 WORDS)
3. variables in the consumer behavior model ((1000 WORDS)
3.1 Internal Influences (Such as personal preference)
3.2 External Influences (Such as group Influence, Economic conditions, and Marketing)
3.3 Decision Making (How to customer arrive at their buying decisions, considering purchasing power)
3.4 Consumption (What types of products do customers want to consume?)
4. Design a New Marketing Strategy (considering factor elaborated above, how would the products be marketed well). (450 WORDS)
5. Conclusion (100 WORDS)
The products that we are working with is (mobile phone gadgets…not any specific in particular). So, the task to explore how the marketing/customer behavior situation is.
Full Description
All students must complete a term project that is due at the end of the semester. The purpose of this project is to provide you with the opportunity create new marketing strategy based on the marketing mix to: Apply information you will learn in this course Apply this knowledge to real-life business situations As the course indicates, consumers’ buying behavior is not constant and many situations and innovations change the way consumers’ think about making purchases. For example: When deciding to travel, is an internet travel company like Trivago, Expedia, Priceline, or Kayak or Air BNB considered the preferable choice for consumers or would making reservations directly with a traditional hotel or airline be more desired, or would visiting with a brick and mortar Travel Agent be the most desired? Your project will be divided into sections throughout the semester. It will be organized so it will be more manageable for you to accomplish and so that you learn how to apply the principles in this course to present-day marketing situations. In order to accomplish this, you will: Decided on a marketing/consumer behavior situation that interests you. Use marketing research as a decision-making tool. Define your target market (with supporting information – demographics, buying patterns, etc. discovered through secondary data). Use the variables in the consumer behavior model that include Internal and External Influences, Decision Making, and Consumption (these are all chapters in the book that will be covered.) Design new marketing strategy due to the changing consumer behaviors and present your findings with a paper and presentation. Your paper will be organized as follows: (Your paper should be 7-10 pages- not including the cover page and works cited page, formatted in 12 point font, 1.5 spacing, and one inch margins) A cover Page A statement of the consumer behavior issue being studied A desсrіption of the methodology used for your research A desсrіption of the target market (demographics, life style, behavior, brand loyalty, etc.) An analysis of the new marketing strategy based on the changing consumer A “Works Cited” page
Marketing/Consumer Behavior Situation
1.0 Introduction
The growing popularity of innovation in the mobile phone industries has created a global buzz, making end-users opt to have smartphones. Technological advancement and development of mobile phones reflect the adoption of hi-tech technology as a result of the constant change in client needs and preferences. As a consequence, the use of automated technology attracts persons towards mobile phones. The mobile handset market is highly multifaceted; hence manufacturers regularly identify measures to increase market share as well as distinguish products to convince customers to select their brands. Brand, durability, quality, and features are elements that make businesses better than their rivals in influencing end-users smartphone purchasing behavior. Besides these factors, there are other marketing and stimuli dynamics that impact behavior of mobile handset buyers. Therefore, this report is primarily focused on defining demographics and purchasing patterns on smartphone enthusiasts, explain variables in the consumer behavior model, and design a new marketing strategy for automated mobile handsets.
2.0 Target Market
The demand for advanced mobile phones is high among young people, especially millennials, who have an increased propensity of using gadgets with superior computing capability and connectivity. Pew Research conclude that 96% of Americans own a cellphone; however, only 81% possess smartphones. Despite a majority of Americans having mobile handsets, by contrast, age impacts smartphone ownership. For example, between ages of 18 and 29, 94% own modern mobile phones with only 4% having cellphones, but not smartphones. Consequently, these statistics depict an increase in smartphone dependence among young people, where a growing share now use advanced cellphones as a primary means of online access. Reliance on modern mobile phones for internet browsing is higher among young people, with over 22% using these gadgets in their homes as opposed to broadband (Ayodele and Chioma). Young people are more technologically connected than older generations, making age a fundamental aspect associated with ownership of smartphones.