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Marketing Strategies and Necessary Adjustments

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Marketing Strategies and Necessary Adjustments 


 Following the critical issues identified in the project (My Neighbour Bakes), If the client had not faced any budget constraint, what marketing strategies would you recommend to the client? Give a detail marketing plan with your budget, implementation and control procedure. (15 marks)


 If you were given an opportunity to undertake the same project with your fellow group members, what would you do differently next time? Give at least Two Key Insights. (5 marks)



Marketing Strategies and Necessary Adjustments



Following the critical issues identified in the project (My Neighbour Bakes), If the client had not faced any budget constraint, what marketing strategies would you recommend to the client? Give a detail marketing plan with your budget, implementation and control procedure. (15 marks)


My Neighbour Bakes faces serval marketing issues, the main being lack of early penetration into the market that it envisions to serve. Considering this among other marketing challenges, I would recommend My Neighbour Bakes to adopt the following marketing strategies.

Educating with your marketing content

Many consumers in this digital era are highly informed; they also have a high desire to learn more about the products they consume. For example, a customer would want to know what is contained in the products which are they buy, how it helps them health-wise, what are the negative implications, among many other things. Marketing through this strategy will entail creating educational materials that customers can interact with. For example, I have seen many instances where companies write blogs, articles, and even set up an educational website. In the process of perusing through the website and interacting content produced by My Neighbour Bakes, prospective customers will get a chance to know that My Neighbour Bakes brand exists, what it offers, and how it helps them health-wise.

To implement this strategy, My Neighbour Bakes would start by establishing the demand for information in the target market segment. One key market segment that My Neighbour Bakes aims to serve is that of vegan people, but identifying the nature of the information that the selected population required will place the company in a position of understanding what to create and marketing information. For example, vegans might be interested in environmental stewardship details, requiring animals, and indoor farming that may boost their supplier of fresh vegetables and herd. By publishing this type of information, plenty of customers will get attached to the My Neighbour Bakes brand. The second way of implementing this strategy is to frequently share with customers on measures it is taking to make vegan products even better; when the target population reads such information, they understand the value of buying products from My Neighbour Bakes.

Upon implementation of “Educating with marketing content,” My Neighbour Bakes can use several control procedures to assess its effectiveness.

Control Procedure

Marketing Strategy: Educating with marketing content


Objective items:


Suggested measurement

Customer rating of the content

This relates to how well customers react to educational materials published by My Neighbour Bakes.


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