Required: Suppose you are the marketing research executive in an agency invited to tender for this Good! Snacks project in the UK, you are required to produce a Research Proposal that addresses each of the issues indicated in the following table: Hoskins (CEO of Good! Snacks!) is keen to understand whether to launch Good! Snacks into the UK as a snack bar (like that launched in the US) or whether to convert it into either a popped or puffed snack. Hoskins is also keen to understand what messaging can be used to promote the range of products • Background to provide the context for the research • Marketing research objectives and rationale supporting them 20 marks • Methodology with some indication of why the methods proposed are appropriate and a clear statement on sampling 40 marks • Data analysis considerations • Reporting • Timing and a general costing – you do not need to be precise • Any other issues you believe are important 20 marks (Total: 80 marks) Note: It is recommended students take each bullet point as a subheading for their proposal and refer to the addendum included after Question 2 (at the end of this paper).