One key question that needs to be addressed when thinking of the marketing efforts is whether to prioritize their marketing efforts at the established markets or look at newer markets such as distant European countries. As per the context established by the case, the tourism industry is changing very rapidly. The tourists are much more open to traveling to distant places to discover new and little known, but exotic destinations (Yong, 2006). Therefore, with regard to Saaremaa, marketing efforts should be prioritized to build new markets. Europe is well known for exotic and small destinations and hence, the level of competition is high. Therefore, to attract customers from a new market, it is necessary to have a high focus on building the brand, ensuring sustainability as well as in targeting the right market segment. For example, Saaremaa is famous for its natural beauty, its rich history as well as the sweet-sour bread and beer. Hence, the brand Saaremaa for tourism should adequately encompass these different aspects. The initial marketing efforts can center on advertising Saaremaa to create awareness and the subsequent efforts can center on introducing specific themes related holidays such as an exotic theme that centers on the sweet-sour bread and beer in the food category or a historical theme holiday destination. Focusing on new markets will also make the destination popular among a wider set of customers who have various preferences for holidays and hence, it would open Saaremaa’s uniqueness to customers who prefer such destinations. However, it should be ensured that any steps of market expansion should not result in overcrowding.In addition, any word of mouth marketing may already work in the existing markets which will ensure that there is a steady flow of tourists from the already established markets. .