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Marketing Communications: (A case study of iPhone a product of Apple Inc.)

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IB3650 - Marketing Communications - 2017-18 Individual Project Brief (12 CATS)

Here are your task(s):

Select a brand; and for that brand, conduct research and produce a report of no more than 2500 words that addresses each of the following tasks:

i) Research, outline and evaluate the brand’s current marketing communications strategy.

ii) Evaluate the brand’s current utilisation of social media as a communications tool.

iii) Suggest ways in which the brand’s utilisation of social media as a communications tool might improve or enhance the brand’s value/equity.


You may make any reasonable assumptions necessary. You may adopt any relevant concepts or frameworks to aid the structure of your argument or your interpretation. If it assists your argument, you may adopt a role (e.g. brand manager reporting to marketing manager; marketing manager to marketing director; etc.).

You may be as contentious as is desirable and legally allowable in your suggested use of social media, but the suggestion and intended execution must comply with ethical standards and guidelines, fit with the brand’s current positioning and identity, and must be justified with use of evidence and likely benefits. If you consider it necessary, you may also suggest modifications to the brand’s current positioning, but again this must be justified with substantive evidence of need, expected benefits, and how the use of social media might be used to aid achieving that objective.

[Note: You must indicate, via an e-mail to the NIE (yansong.hu@wbs.ac.uk), which brand you intend to select no later than 12.00 noon on Friday 1st December 2017]

* Use a business report format, but ensure that your argument is integrated and coherent

* The upper word limit is 2500 words.

* All work must be original and individual

* The report should be typed, single sided, double spaced and with at least 1” margins.

* A word count must appear on the front cover of your assignment.

* Any assumptions made must be explicitly stated.

* Please refer to the latest WBS policy on word count (posted on my.wbs in a different file).

* Appendices must be used with great care, must be appropriate, and must be referred to within the body of your report. They cannot be used to circumvent the word limit.

* You should submit your work via the my.wbs online submission system by the specified deadline.

* Extensions will only be granted in line with University rules (illness, supported with a medical note, and/or adverse personal circumstances, supported with appropriate evidence).

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: To be confirmed by the undergraduate office



Marketing Communications: (A case study of iPhone a product of Apple Inc.)



Word Count: 2478

1.0 Introduction

            Apple Inc. is regarded as one of the dominant corporations in the United States (Behrandt, 2012, pp. 287). During the 1970s the company was popularly known as Apple Computers, having been formed by three individuals; however, the third co-founder did not believe in the longevity of the enterprises, for that reason he opted to sale his shares valued at 10% in the ventures at a price of $800. Presently, 10% shares in Apple Inc. are worth over $540 million; the company has quickly risen in popularity in the technology industry having conquered the global market. In 2007, Apple Inc. was able to venture into the production of smart phones, with the company penetrating the market by producing its flagship product known as the iPhone a GSM-based smart phone. Initially, the company had been accused by the individuals who purchased the iPhone product of adopting a very unsuccessful marketing strategy during the early stages of production. After the launch of the iPhone, Apple Inc. significantly reduced the prices of the product, such that the prices could be equated to the cost of the ordinary and regular 3G smart phones. This served as a discouraging factor to the earlier customers of the iPhone a product manufactured by Apple Inc. to satisfy the needs a particular cluster of the population.

            However, despite the Apple Inc. running a marketing strategy on iPhones that was termed as ineffective, loyal customers continued to purchase the iPhones. Dyer-Witheford (2012, pp. 131) asserts that the loyal consumers who unrelentingly purchased the iPhone received communication that the smart phone was adapted to be used by a singular service provider notably the AT&T. The poor marketing strategy resulted in the company facing more significant opposition from the loyal customers, who opted to use alternate service providers. For that reason, the company was forced to adopt a more effective marketing strategy that would ensure Apple Inc. penetrates the market and targets the potential customers in the global market. The company aimed at redeeming its image on the loyal customers who had faulted the marketing strategy, the company focused majorly on individuals from the upper-class cluster.

2.0 Marketing communication strategy

            The current marketing communication strategy adopted by Apple Inc. has helped the company to efficiently create brand awareness for the iPhone. As a result, according to Liao and Hseih (2013, pp. 411), the targeted consumers can translate the information concerning the product into specific perception about the attributes of the product as well as the position held by the product in the global market. Apple Inc. utilizes a marketing communication strategy so that to retain the current loyal iPhone customer base as well as be able to create a functional relationship between the suppliers and the customers. Besides, the marketing communication strategy adopted by Apple Inc. on iPhone defines the plan held by the venture as a way of disseminating information regarding the smart phones as well as establishing the spread of brand awareness (Foulger, 2014). Additionally, the iPhone marketing communication strategy majorly focuses on the consumer; as such Apple Inc. can use different components of marketing components. The marketing team responsible for running the iPhone marketing communication campaign recognizes that an analysis of the needs of consumers as well as preferences enables the team to run an efficient, market-oriented strategy.

            Apple Inc. has designed the iPhone’s marketing communication strategy such that it is constituted by various significant components. The advertisement of iPhones has enabled Apple Inc. to reach a broad customer base through the utilization of global market or use of appeals on...


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