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Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Marketing Is All about the Production of Signs and Their Meanings within Contemporary Societies. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. A keen look at the activities mentioned therein will reveal a chronological process and not the mere selling of goods it was deemed to be in the past.Marketers first of all research on what it is that the customers want. This can be through conducting surveys by issuing questionnaires to potential customers. After that, they plan on how their products will be tailor-made to fit the customer’s wants. This is followed by pricing the goods. When pricing, a number of factors ought to be taken into consideration such as. the cost of production, competitor’s pricing, target market among other factors. The price has to be just right so as not to dissuade potential customers from purchasing the product. The next step involves advertising. This is basically creating awareness on the product- letting people know that the product exists and reminding those who knew about it already that it is still in the market. When advertising, it is important to come up with an advertisement that properly communicates about the brand and appeals to the target market. Lastly, selling- which is where the customer is finally convinced to purchase the product. An important point to note even from the definition given above is that marketing is customer-based. There is a fallacy that marketing is about advertising and promoting one's business. Such thinking is wrong.The statement in question states that- marketing is all about the production of signs and their meanings within contemporary societies. In order to properly analyze this statement, we shall look at it in parts, thus we shall dissect it. We need to determine what marketing is. Next, we find out the meaning of “production of signs”. After that, we explain what contemporary society means. Then we look at the meaning of the statement as a whole. .Is marketing all about the production of signs and their meanings within contemporary societies? Marketing has previously been defined in this paper and the author will in the latter parts of this paper be delved into deeper.
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