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Mark 9-16


We will explore Mark 9–16. Read the following resources in order to better understand the second portion of Mark's Gospel: Mark 9–16 Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus, pages 228–254 Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, "Gethsemane (Links to an external site.)" Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, "Servant of Yahweh (Links to an external site.)" Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, "Child, Children (Links to an external site.)"—only read "Jesus and children" This assignment is an opportunity for you to choose 2 of the readings that you have engaged above and interact with them in more detail. Choose 1 which was particularly interesting/influential for you and 1 that was somewhat unclear or confusing. In this response assignment, follow these steps: First paragraph: State the reading which was especially interesting and helpful to you. Explain in 1 sentence the most significant/influential idea in that reading. Explain why that idea was especially significant to you (how it helps you better understand the Gospels or apply them to life). Second paragraph: State the reading that was somewhat unclear to you. Explain in 1–2 sentences the concept/idea that was unclear or confusing. Ask the professor the particular question you have about that particular reading.
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