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Managing Diversity in the Inclusive Workplace

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Write an 8 page paper on Managing Diversity in the Inclusive Workplace. Must be APA style, 8 pages of content, with a Title Page, Abstract and Reference Page
Book Used:
Mor Barak, M. E. (2017). Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace. (4th
Ed), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.



Managing Diversity in the Inclusive Workplace


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Due to enlisting the services of employees who are characterized by a variety of individual differences an organization attains workplace diversity. Organizations have implemented strategies aimed at cultivating and managing a more diverse and inclusive workplace (Huffman, 2012). However, despite proclaiming to be committed to the management of workplace diversity the work culture remains racist, gender-insensitive and narrow-minded. For that reason, it is imperative that organizations implement policies and practices that can aid in the management of workplace diversity. Organizations should appreciate the different ways of managing workplace diversity because they outperform those that draws its workforce from a single template.

Business operations force organizations into accessing markets, customers and workforce that are increasingly diverse. The proper management of diversity at a workplace provides an organization with access to different workforce skills, experience, and perspectives; which are factors that can be used in encouraging innovation and creative approaches (Mor Barak, 2017). Organizations can use the following ways and strategies to manage a diverse group of employees; avoiding discrimination and harassment, encouraging gender diversity, promoting open-mindedness, encouraging optimized communication, and so on. Proper management of workplace diversity provides organizations with the benefits of diversity as well as the minimization of any potential challenges.

Managing Diversity in the Inclusive Workplace

1.0 Introduction

Today, organizations have implemented strategies aimed at cultivating a more diverse and inclusive workplace; for that reason, it is imperative to understand how workplace diversity can be attained and managed (Mor Barak, 2017). An organization achieves workplace diversity by enlisting the services of employees who are characterized by a variety of individual differences. Diversity in organizations is not limited to how individuals are perceived by others but also how they identify themselves. A study conducted by the Pew Research concluded that workplace diversity includes physical conditions, citizenship status, sexual orientation, religion, age, ethnicity, gender, race, and so on (Huffman, 2012).

            Many organizations depict a proclamation of commitment to diversity management; however, the work culture remains racist, gender-insensitive and parochial. As a result, Mor Barak (2017) argues that it is essential that organizations assume a leadership position in the management of workplace diversity. The top management should ensure that the middle management and the layers below them are sensitized on the ways that can be used to manage workplace diversity. This situation can be achieved through the organization of training workshops and sessions where the ideas of managing workplace diversity are permeated down to the lowermost organizational levels. The argument here is that the appreciation of the different ways of managing workplace diversity should be understood and practiced by the various management levels of any organization.



2.0 Managing diversity in a workplace

Organizations with a diverse workforce in most cases outperform organizations that draw its workforce from a single template. The proper management of diversity at a workplace provides an organization with access to different workforce skills, experience, and perspectives; which are factors that can be used in encouraging innovation and creative approaches. For that reason, Bukhari and Sharma (2014) concluded that management of workplace diversity is associated with various business benefits. Mor Barak (2017) points out that there are adverse effects associated with an organization having a diverse workforce because it can make people uncomfortable considering it brings together individuals with diverse outlooks, worldviews, and attitudes. However, proper management of workplace diversity provides organizations with the benefits of diversity as well as the minimization of any potential advantages. Business operations force organizations into accessing markets, customers and workforce that are increasingly diverse. Individual and organizational success is guaranteed by the promotion and management of workplace diversity.

The human resource professionals in any organization are presented with unique challenges that affect the management of workplace diversity. However, such problems can be dealt with if an organization establishes more determined initiatives that focus on encouraging the creation of a more heterogeneous workplace environment.  The issues that arise regarding an organization having workplace diversity can be addressed adequately through the creation of conflict management, promotion of open communication and a culture of tolerance. According to Hostager and De Meuse (2008), effective management of workplace diversity is supported by a leadership that appreciates the need to understand the workforce different backgrounds, behavior, and beliefs. Through understanding these factors the various management levels of an organization influence the ease of decision-making...


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