For this assignment, you will study southern california, and its unique distribution industry. In a three page paper you will address these issues: How big a role does the distribution industry (warehousing, shipping import, trucking and order management) play in the total microeconomy of southern california? What major components comprise the distribution industry? How big a role does the distribution sector play in communities such as Moreno Valley and/or San Bernardino? How large is the GDP of Riverside County versus those of LA, San Diego, and San Francisco? What role does distribution play in those numbers? What growth has taken place in Riverside County, due to the industry? What kinds of information systems are required in order to operate a distribution facility? What kinds of information systems are needed in order to manage a corporation, dedicated to the distribution sector Full APA format and bibliography required. 1. Exhibit knowledge of the technologies. The student exhibits first hand experience with the technology or topic, ie through building a small prototype or playing with the tools. 2. Exhibit knowledge of the subject with reference to a primary source, ie something written or produced by a creator, author, or producer of a piece of research. Journalism and wikipedia type resources are not counted as primary. 3. Show an integration. The researcher took the ideas and experiences and applied them to a current business problem. When reading their work, the reader feels able to ask more questions, and a sense of progress in regards to the issue. The reader should feel engaged with their work, and see a discussion of how the technology will impact the topical business problem. The reader should feel inclined to discuss with work with the author, further. 4. Exhibit college level writing skills. Grammar, spelling, APA formatting, use of citations, bibliography, aversion to colloquial tone and clear use of editing and revision are present.