Instructions from my professor: ***The Guidelines to term paper proposal Students should write a short proposal for your term paper by July 5th. The proposal will be an expansion of your term paper. It should present your paper topic and the sources from which you plan to gather your research material. The proposal is required to include provisional paper title, name, introduction, the objectives of your research, and proposed approach. The title can be chosen from either what you have learned this semester such as equivalence at word level, grammatical equivalence (number, voice, tense), textual equivalence(cohesion, coherence, acceptability, informativity0, translation strategy, etc. or your preference. The proposed approach is required to present the aims, methodology, your hypothesis, and your contribution. The following should be also included with your proposal. 1. Introduce main issue that your study will focus on. The purpose of your study. what will you examine? Why is your study compelling to you? Why is the interest in it? 2. Your role as the writer of the paper. What methods will you use to both inform us of the paper and present your argument ? In addition, describe what you already know about the issue and elaborate on what more you should learn. 3. Write a thesis statement. What do you expect to find in your term paper?