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“Like a Girl” campaign

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“Like a Girl” campaign


“Like a Girl” campaign


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1.0  Introduction

            Over a long period of time, Always has been committed to empowering girls through puberty education. In 2013, Proctor and Gamble realized the brands' purpose was far from clear to from the new generation of consumers of Always (Berman, 2015). For a long period of time Always’ brand communications were less detailed with much focus on the market performance of the product. As a result, Proctor and Gamble was challenged to create a fresh and more effective understanding concerning confidence levels that resonate with the new generation of Always' consumers. According to Owadenko (2014), the firm was focused on championing the girls who are regarded as the future of the brand. It is obvious girls start using Always at puberty, a time characterized with low confidence levels, thus offering the firm the best opportunity to show the brand's purpose and aid through puberty education. In consequence, Proctor and Gamble directed its various agencies to come up with an effective campaign strategy focused on leveraging the legacy of the brand of offering undivided support to girls while transitioning from puberty to early womanhood; while creating the sense that stresses the importance of the brand to women. Additionally, the brand was focused on making it easy for girls at the puberty stage to understand the various “social issues facing girls during the transition to womanhood” (Morin et al. 2011). 

2.0  “Like a Girl” campaign

            In 2014, the "Like a Girl" campaign was rolled out consequently resulting in a discussion on various social media platforms. For example, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube hosted the first video of the campaign (Owadenko, 2014). In consequence, according to Berman (2015) Proctor and Gamble so that to strengthen the market presence of Always aired a short video during the 2015 Super Bowl, consequently making history as the first feminine brand to be advertised during Super Bowl. The “Like a Girl” campaign was aimed at creating a rejoinder to data collected on consumer behavior analyzed by Proctor and Gamble staff that revealed a huge drop in self-confidence during the transition from puberty to young womanhood. For that reason, Proctor and Gamble in the bid to strengthen the market grip, tasked the various agencies responsible for Always to try a social experiment by creating a short video that evidenced how the use of "like a girl" as a phrase often results to the loose of self-esteem during puberty stage among young women (Ciambriello, 2014). 

            Furthermore, the centerpiece of the campaign was a shortened video that captured how the phrase "like a girl" is interpreted, as it was apparent it was internalized to depict weakness. For that reason, the creative team at Proctor and Gamble was tasked with redefining confidence in the most relevant way resulting to the use of "like a girl" phrase as a term of empowerment as opposed to an insult. The campaign was highly effective as it was focused on spreading the message of self-esteem in girls at puberty stage (Goldberg, 2014) and further empowering women by revealing that "like a girl" should...


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