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Letter of Recommendation; Oganizational Psychology

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Letter of Recommendation; Oganizational  Psychology


Professors Name

Professor’s Department

Department Phone

Professor’s / Department’s Email.



Name of registrar

Recipient University Address.


To Whom It May Concern

I am pleased to recommend (Name of Student) for admission to organizational Psychology at (Name of University). I am a lecturer at (Name former University), Name city. I have known (Student) for the last four years, for I have been his instructor in many of her class units and mostly units relating to Behavioral statistics. (Student) has been an academically outstanding student with utmost enthusiasm to excel. In the past, students I have taught, so for (Students) are among the best students. Students have been instrumental in mobilizing other students on matters of punctuality and the need to have passion in education. I would rank (Student) in the top 3 percent of students that I have taught in the last ten years. He has outstanding prowess in research methodology and writing skills.

Overly, (student) is good in analytical skills gained from behavioral statistics and commendable intelligence. He demonstrated skills above average in writing and analytical skills in his project on Borderline Personality Disorder among children and young adults. He has a good understanding of the behavioral study and has, through this study, shown his ability of objectivity and responsiveness. He has an above average performance in the overall undergraduate program.

On the matter of communication, (Student) has good communication abilities. He has both the ability of writing clearly and concisely and goes a milestone further in reading. In communication, it has been evident in the matter he presented arguments in critical and heated debates in course work. In matters of general problem solving, Student was creative enough to offer solutions relating to matters of classwork, and this has helped (student) to be a team builder and a team player. He is persuasive and concise in his argument, and this is an outstanding and rare skill.

When I turn to (student's) personal level,...


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