Student Handout: WRITE AN ESSAY 5950 Homework
Instructions to the Student:
The purpose of the Leadership essay is to provide a vehicle to assess the student's critical thinking and academic writing skills while at the same time providing material for further discussion within each seminar group. Although you must cite any sources used to support your ideas, this is an opinion paper that does not require the use of outside sources. Use original thought; analyze the topic with the knowledge you have gained in the course and through your life experiences.
The assignment is to write a 500-1000 word (2-3 page) opinion paper answering one of the questions below. (2 hours) Word count is solely for the essay and will not include the cover sheet.
a. Why is it important for leaders to focus on developing subordinate leaders, and how is this different than developing individual Marines?
b. How will your life improve if you increase your understanding of others? How can you improve your communication and interaction with other people? Address both personal and professional relationships.
c. Does the Marine Corps develop a bias for action within its NCO corps? If so, how and why? If not, why?
When submitting your essay for grading in Moodle, the student will ensure the first page their document is the 5950 Essay coversheet. Additionally, students may use any word processing software to complete this assignment; however, the submitted file must be exported or saved as a .doc or a .docx file (most current word processing products - including several free ones - support this function) before it is uploaded to Moodle.
The 5950 Essay Rubric is available on Moodle for student use while completing this assignment.
Why is it important for leaders to focus on developing
subordinate leaders, and how is this different than developing individual
Leadership Essay
Student’s Name
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