Write 5 pages with APA style on Jane Austens Satires in Her Literary Works. They create happy situations for persons around them. Jane Austen was one such individual who saw fun in every facet of life. Satire is the hallmark of the literary creations of Jane Austen and it is the outcome of her interaction with family members, her un-fructified romantic relationship and her middle class status in the society. She began writing at the age of 14, and that is the indicator that she was a born writer and blessed with latent literary talents. That she treated her female characters in her many literary works, as equal to men in intelligence, was no satire!—but it was satire on the menfolk who considered themselves as superior to women. She belonged to the 18th century, an era of male-dominated society. The Encyclopedia of World Biography on Jane Austen explains that she was one of the most important novelists of the 19th Century. After her father died in 1805, Austen, her mother and her sister moved to Chawton, where Austen lived the rest of her life. Genre-wise, her literary works heralded the transition in English literature from neo-classicism to romanticism. She saw life as it is, and not from the moral pedestal, how it should be! Her mastery on the subjects that she treated could be seen through her various down-to-earth characters. She was able to depict her characters precisely through the real-life situations they encountered. She enjoyed writing in its totality, be it pompous display or when some of her characters made a fool of themselves. Her characters stand the test of modern life as prevailing today, even though her writings are more than two hundred years old. Her foresight and witticisms have stood the test of time and have remained enjoyable to the reader. Her satire becomes great for she sympathized with the societal surroundings around her, rather than condemn it. She grasped the best from her family relationships and she was fortunate to grow in an affectionate family that encouraged her talents. She was born on December 16, 1775, at Steventon Rectory in Hampshire, England. One of her six brothers Henry was her literary agent. Her latent literary genius was watched and recognized by her family, especially her father, when she was young. According to the Dictionary of Literary Biography’s on Jane Austen, Austen grew up in middle class. Austen had seven siblings, six brothers and one sister, all of which were readers. The Dictionary of Literary Biography’s on Jane Austen also stated that Austen’s main interest was prose fiction that could have perhaps influenced her works. (1992, pp 3-35) Her immediate family members, besides being the readers of her works, must have offered critical suggestions and she was in the habit of revising her drafts more than once. The grassroots realities of interaction of different characters make her works very interesting and attention demanding as the common reader identifies the descriptions with one’s real life experiences. The writings were a great combination of detachment and involvement, added with satirical comments. Her novels proved outstanding on account of this approach. She had the best schooling, initially at Oxford and then at Southampton. Some are born great, the wise people say. .