1.Search for "islamic art paradise found" in youtube and watch youtube video . Feel free to start after the third minute as the introductory part of the first three minutes is irrelevant to the homework questions. Paradise is a concept that is closely connected to Islamic architecture. What are the most important similarities and diferences between the concept of heavan on earth within Christian and Islamic conceptions of the role for architecture? Consider the geometric motif and the use of calligraphy (the word) as art. How does the use of the word as art difer in creating a visual spectacle than the Byzantine use of mosaics? 2. Trace the Birth of Islam through the Nature of Islamic Art ( at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Web site. Summarize how the aspects discussed in the Nature of Islamic Art ( section, specifically the calligraphy section helps you to understand why this artform was so significant to Muslims. 3. Describe the cultural contributions made by Islam to Western Europe. 4. How does the Great Mosque of Damascus "owe much to the architecture of the Greco-Roman and Early Christian East"? 5. MOSQUE OF SELIM II- Sinan the Great was responsible for some of the masterworks of Ottoman architecture. His greatest work, the Mosque of Selim II in Edirne, Turkey was constructed to glorify his patron. It was also intended to surpass the Christian Hagia Sophia. What is your opinion of this strategy? Can you think of any other structures that pursued similar ends? 6. RELIGION AND ART- Discuss the effects that the religious beliefs and practices of Islam have on Islamic art. What do you think is the most important religious belief affecting Islamic art? Cite specific examples to support your answer.