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Intervention Physical Activity


State the intervention physical activity  research that supports exercise benefits individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s/dementia!,give detailed description of what the intervention is,  provide history of the technique. Where did it originate, why did it start to become an intervention, who started it, or who started to use it? Find dates if they apply here when it began.  ALL references must be included in your papers.Identify all diagnostic groups that have benefitted from the technique and their outcomes.  There will likely be more than one diagnostic group you will find.Example: Identify the diagnostic groups and how did the individuals benefit from the techniques. You may list them. A minimum of 2 research articles supporting the efficacy of the intervention and article review on each article.  If students are selecting to submit the two – they must be found to be strong studies.  Please follow article review format provided.  – this is an explanation of the article and findings in your own words.Two article reviews each worth 15 points = total 30 points.Two studies must be attached directly to the assignment or a direct link to the actual study.  (Not the abstract).Points will be deducted for grammar, and spelling.Pease review prior to submitting for safe assign / plagerism.  Papers with high percentage of direct quotes or paraphrasing will be returned for revision or not accepted and result in a 0 or lower grade as determined by the professor.These are to be written in paper format and submitted via word document / pages conversion.  Please do not number each section - rather write in paragraph format.No quotes, no paraphrasing please.  – this is an explanation of the article and findings in your own words.Rubric:0/10 point: Did not do this assignment5/10 points: Gave brief overview of what the intervention is. Did not address or discuss the background of the history of the intervention. Identified 1 diagnostic group and did not address if there were other diagnostic groups found or not.10/10 points: Gave detailed description of what the intervention is, it's history, and identified all of the diagnostic groups found during your research of the intervention.Points deducted:For every day late: -1 pointadditional point deducted: Not attached as a word document, typos, grammer, not including all references, and paraphrasing. You are to demonstrate learning what the intervention is and being able to successfully articulate it (written for here and verbal for later use).**Prior to submitting it is strongly recommended to review safe assign for plagerism, et al.  If there is a  strong percentage of plagerism - papers will be returned. 
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