Write 14 pages with APA style on Internet Marketing in the of Fly Monarch Airlines. The current paper focuses on the examination of the internet marketing strategies that are most appropriate for the firms operating in the airline industry. A specific firm, Monarch Airlines, has been chosen in order to explain the various parameters of marketing tools used by firms that operate in a particular industry. At the same time specific issues of marketing, like branding and consumer behaviour, are explored at the level that they can help to the explanation of the importance of marketing for the development of all business activities. The role of the Internet as a strategic marketing tool is highlighted while its potential co-existence with the above mentioned aspects of marketing (i.e. branding and consumer behaviour) is analytically explained both in theory and in practice (referring to the marketing tools used by Monarch Airlines).Before choosing the marketing strategy that would be most appropriate for a particular commercial activity it is necessary to examine thoroughly in advance the characteristics of the specific industry as well as the current market conditions. In the case of firms that operate in the airline industry the choice of marketing tools used for the promotion of their services should be also based on these firms’ ability to respond to the standards set by the national and the international bodies that are responsible for the regulation of all sectors of the airline industry. In accordance with the study of Thurlow et al. (2007, 305) ‘although positioned unfairly in the global semioscape, airlines may resist straightforward cultural homogenization by strategically reworking existing design structures and exploiting possibly universal semiotic meaning potentials’. .