ASSIGNMENT 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1. After reading the DSM 5 proposed criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder, read “Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal”, write your reaction to the article in the Assignment 1 Discussion Board prior to the deadline. You will receive 2.5 points for posting a response on the Discussion Board. You will receive another 2.5 points for posting a reply to the ongoing discussion. Each response and reply must be at least 100 words in order to receive credit. Responses should not exceed 200 words. Students are required to be respectful of others in this discussion and must refrain from the use of insulting, derogatory, and/or discriminatory language. Failure to abide by this will result in a grade of “0” for this assignment. Response and replies must be completed by 11:00pm Sunday January 17th, 2021. Successful completion of this assignment is worth 5 points.