ESSAY QUESTIONSCHOOSE ONE QUESTION!3,000 WORDS1. Despite the forces of globalisation, political, social and economic processes at the level of nation-states still shape some aspects of transnational crime and international terrorism. Discuss.2. Globalisation provides crucial impetus to international trafficking but experts often ignore the embeddedness of transboundary criminal activities in local dynamics. Discuss.3. Many in 'global south' blame local corruption on the lax financial regulations in the West. Do you agree with this argument? Why or why not?4. Contrary to the popular view, there are a number of ways in which globalisation hinders international functioning of organised crime groups and makes them more vulnerable to law enforcement action. Do you agree with this argument? Why or why not?5. Some experts think that in contemporary Europe crime-terror nexus is not an important issue because most of the terrorist attacks are cheap and can be funded in various non-criminal ways. Discuss.