please respond to this with 250 words, a question, and 3 different citations:One of the things that really resonated with me in our textbook was the mention of taking existing PowerPoint presentations and worksheets and making them available online (Dabbagh et al., 2018). I saw a lot of this last spring as schools closed abruptly with many teachers having no online teaching experience at all. In the meanwhile, one of the loudest complaints I see from parents on social media is that children need school for the purpose of socialization. As discussed by Resnik and Bellmore (2018), it is important to appreciate the social skills of young people and align those social skills to the online environment. Because socialization is such an important part of education, Situated learning. (n.d.) emphasized the importance of specifically accounting for socialization.By following the standards set forth by the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE), an instructional designer has a guide to what students need in the technology sphere (ISTE Standards for Students, n.d.). ISTE also offers standards for teachers, coaches, and administrators which can be helpful depending on what is being taught and to whom. While “gamification” has taken center stage, many teachers still rely on showing video clips and sometimes entire movies. Unfortunately, this behavior does not necessarily change just because the class is online. It is important as both designer and teacher to keep in mind the laws regarding copyright (Copyright Services, n.d.). Although it is lawful to show a complete movie in a face to face classroom setting, it is not lawful to show a movie to an online class. There are many models from which to choose, but it is always important to remember that curriculum comes first, followed by technology integration.ReferencesCopyright services. (n.d.). University of Minnesota Libraries., N., Marra, R. M., & Howland, J. L. (2018). Meaningful online learning: Integrating strategies, activities, and learning technologies for effective designs (1st ed.). Routledge.ISTE standards for students. (n.d.). ISTE., F., & Bellmore, A. (2019). Connecting online and offline social skills to adolescents’ peer victimization and psychological adjustment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 386–398. learning. (n.d.).