For international managers, advancements in information technology, and the rapidly expanding global markets had created new realities for business engagements, with new opportunities and challenges. In the past year, the international business environment went through a big upheaval once again, within a very short period of time. International managers had to engage their administrative staff, operation teams, and global teams to keep the businesses flowing, against lockdowns, government regulations, restrictions in flights and a host of other challenges. Consumer market demands also changed dramatically, and many products and services became universally unavailable. With all of the above as your basis, research and analyze how international managers used information technology and other resources in helping them to manage the challenges in the following areas: 1. Business management2. Talent management and acquisition3. Corporate Strategy4. Cultural roadblocks and time zone differences5. Global Supply Chain ManagementFind news articles and global corporate business news to show examples and supplement your assignment.Your paper should be about 1000 words (4-5 pages) with a good introduction, a strong conclusion, academic basis and real world examples, including bibliography. Use data to provide validation for some of the happenings in the world.The paper should follow the APA guidelines and at a minimum, should have the following:1. 1 inch margins2. Double spaced3. 12 pt. font size4. In-text citations to show resources used5. Quotes 40 words of more are indented one tab (or 5 spaces) The assignment should be formatted in Microsoft Word only and if you are using Apple, make sure that the conversion does not have ‘.pages’ as the suffix before uploading, as the file may not be opened and will not be graded. All submissions must have .doc format. Write in original style, and do not cut and paste from other sources more than 30 percent. Wherever you use other material, make sure it is in quotes and is cited appropriately.