Operations challenges: Identify a set of operations challenges or problems to be addressed in your subject operation, and why? No operation is perfect. What flaws are evident at first glance? Which of these challenges might need to be addressed first, second, and so on, and why? Your analysis should: Identify the main operational problems Rank the problems in order of importance Focus on one or two operational problems and make recommendations for improvement. Do not try to cover everything. Provide a brief argument for focusing on one or two operational problems and then concentrate on those. Analysis Tools: What theory, concepts, tools and techniques can be used to address these challenges and problems, and how might you apply them? Select material primarily from Units 3 onwards. A broad-based analysis using three or more topic areas is feasible, but is not recommended as the work might become a little “thin.” Stay focussed. You may use material from other Operations Management subjects (for example from textbook chapters not covered in the module), but if you do so, please discuss your intentions with your tutor. Critically, you should search for further reading in the Operations Management journals that enhances your knowledge of the concepts you will apply. If you apply module content thoroughly, then you will likely get a pass. If you can show application of further reading in the peer-reviewed Operations Management journals then you are likely to earn high marks. Analysis Data: Your analysis should be based on data gathered from observation, public domain information, survey work, interviews, discussions with customers/managers, and from any secondary sources that might be available. Please do not include lots of raw data in the main body of the report. If you feel the need to include lots of data, put it in an appendix. You should explain your methodology for data collection and analysis clearly in the body of the report. Note. Many students get hung up on the word “data,” assuming that it refers to the information derived from quantitative survey work. This is not the case. Data is pretty much anything you can get your hands on that informs you about the subject of your analysis. Analysis: The core of the assignment is to analyse this data using one or two tools, concepts or techniques provided on this module (Keen students will actually go beyond the module content and carry out further reading into the topic areas of interest. Evidence of this additional research will be rewarded). The analysis of the data should be provided in the body of the report. Evaluate: As a result of the analysis what can you say about the operation and the tool/concept/ technique? What recommendations would you make about how to improve the operation and the tool/ concept/technique? How robust/valid are your recommendations?