It is important that your answers to these questions be properly researched and that you use the APA, MLA or Chicago style citation method. If you are unsure how to do this, please use the Purdue Online Writing Lab resource ( Please use the NPC virtual library (particularly the documents available through LIRN), which can be accessed at, or any other source, making sure though that all of your sources should be reliable academic sources (peer-reviewed journal articles are good examples of reliable academic sources). Written Format: Your ICE answers must include the following elements: · An Introduction discussing 1. Your answers to the case questions. Be sure to focus on the “how” in each question. 2. What SEPTEmber issues are raised by UPS’ decision to commit to 700 liquefied natural gas (LNG) vehicles and create a “CSO” position in their corporate structure. · An Analysis of your research Explaining in detail, what your research reveals concerning the nature of the SEPTEmber issues raised in your introduction. Discussing your assessment of how the internal environment at UPS does or does not support UPS’ efforts to do ‘what’s right for the environment and society, and also be mindful of the bottom line’ (Part 2 case, page 215). Your discussion should evidence critical analysis of your research results. · An Evaluation addressing Why or why not UPS’ strategic choices are feasible given the short-term profit imperative that US companies face. You must demonstrate how your research supports your evaluation. What questions you would want answered, but which were not addressed in your research, given the strategic decisions that UPS has made (LNG vehicles and a change in corporate structure by adding the CSO position). • A list of References must be attached, as a separate page to each ICE. • Please review the Sample ICE to get a visual picture of how your assignment should be structured. This is available on the "slides and documents" page of the NPC student site.