As you do the readings and watch the videos, think about what challenges and opportunities arise from the transformation in news gathering and reporting made possible by the internet and in the proliferation of easy access to information. After doing the readings and watching the videos, write a post about these transformations. You must reference at least 3 of the articles. Some thoughts to get you started: Do you and your friends and family fit the models of news consumption described in the Pew articles? You may want to refer to some of the charts and graphs and cite some statistics from the articles to make your case. Can limiting your reading to what is posted by like-minded friends on social media make you narrow-minded? How? You may need to cite specific articles and passages to make your case. What have you learned about the uses of Wikipedia and its credibility as a source? [If you viewed the optional video on the “Metal Umlaut,” you can discuss that in your answer, too.] Think about everyday access to an important newspaper like the Washington Post. Would you pay for it, or do you think all news should be free? Consider this: who is going to do the long-term research and investigative reporting that roots out corruption if all news is free and not done by professional journalists? [Hint: read the optional reading on investigative journalism for more about this topic.] Please find all required reading material in the attached document.