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Inferential Test or Sampling Technique


Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission. Option #1: Inferential Test Criminologists have long studied the relationships between employment opportunity, upward mobility in society and criminality. For this assignment, we will evaluate a study of mobility that was conducted in Netherlands. Read the "Determinants of Intergenerational Downward Mobility in the Netherlands"   (Links to an external site.) article: In a well-organized essay, answer the following questions. Review the assumptions made for each inferential test (based on the information in this chapter). Review the null hypothesis for each inferential test (based on the information in this chapter). How are final statistics (t-obtained, chi-square obtained, or F obtained) reported in the article? Based on the table or summary of final statistics, what conclusions do the authors make? Do they find support for their original hypothesis? Explain your answer. Option #2: Sampling Technique In 2016, Australian researchers conducted a study on the fear of crime, "(Re)assessing Contemporary "Fear of Crime" Measures within an Australian Context."  (Links to an external site.) Read this study publication and, in a well-organized essay, answer the following questions: Discuss the sampling technique used by the original researchers and why they chose that technique (based on the information in this chapter). Summarize the findings from the statistical tables presented in the textbook (based on the information in this chapter). What final statistics were utilized to determine any correlations? What conclusions do the authors make? Do they find support for their original hypothesis? Explain your answer. the reading Testing Hypothesis and Properties of Bivariate Relationship
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