Six geographic areas populated by Indigenous peoples of common cultures existed in what is now Canada at the time of first contact with Europeans. The areas and examples of the peoples who lived in them are:• Northwest Coast (e.g., Salish, Haida)• Plateau (e.g., Kootenay)• Plains (e.g., Blackfoot, Plains Cree)• Sub-Arctic (e.g., Dene, Swampy & Rocky Cree)• Eastern Woodlands (e.g., Anishinaabe, Micmac)• Arctic (e.g., Inuit)In Manitoba, First Nation peoples belong to the following Nations:1. Dakota2. Anishinaabe (Ojibway)3. Nehiyaw (Cree)4. Oji-Cree5. DeneOther Indigenous Groups of Manitoba:1. Metis2. InuitIndigenous Organizations:The diversity of the Indigenous population has led to the creation of a wide variety of Indigenous political and interest groups, including the following:• the Assembly of First Nations (representing Status Indian peoples)• the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (Representing Non-Status Indian peoples)• the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (Representing Inuit peoples)• the Métis National Council (Representing Métis peoples in the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta & British Columbia)• the Native Women’s Association of Canada (Representing Indigenous women from across Canada)Dickason, O. P. & Newbigging, W. (2019) Introduction /content/enforced3/379950-4089.202050/Indigenous Peoples within Canada A Concise HistoryBurnett, K. & Read, G. (2016) Introduction /content/enforced3/379950-4089.202050/Aboriginal History A Reader