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Importance Of Globalization


Is our world too global? Globalization essentially means how the world interacts.  Think of your clothing, where was it made?  Where did your breakfast come from? What about political concepts, is the U.S. too involved in world affairs?  Are we not involved enough?  Immigration?  These are all concepts intricate to globalization. Please read Peter N. Stearns assessment of globalization and decide where you fit in the discussion.  Are you opposed of globalization?  Support it?  Support some aspects of it?  Be sure to respond to at least one classmate's posts.  (10 points for the discussion post and 10 points for the response). "On a wider scale, depending on what aspects of globalization are empha-sized, polls show that upwards of 53 to 79% of all people in the world oppose globalization today. Economic globalization is widely feared, because it brings so much inequality and so many factors that escape regional governance, but cultural globalization is even more resented (by up to 70% of those polled) on grounds of loss of identity; only political globalization wins (bare) majority support, apparently because many people hope that more effective political agreements will help keep other aspects of globalization under control. To be sure, there is regional variation: people in North America (particularly the Atlantic and Pacific coasts), Western Europe, and Japan—especially young people—like cultural globalization, by a 4–1 margin; but all generations in most other regions disagree vigorously. Interestingly, however, people in the United States, against the global majority, seem to fear political globalization above all, though there are also concerns about economic dislocation and immigration (and among some groups, about culture as well). Worldwide, women are slightly more likely to favor most aspects of globalization than men are—which makes sense in terms of the history of at least recent globalization and its bearing on traditional gender alignments, but which adds another dose of complexity. " https://fletcher.louislibraries.org/uhtbin/ezproxylogin_louis_fletcher.x?url=ezp.2aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2guZWJzY29ob3N0LmNvbS9sb2dpbi5hc3B4P2RpcmVjdD10cnVlJmRiPW5sZWJrJkFOPTEyODY4Mzgmc2l0ZT1lZHMtbGl2ZSZlYnY9RUImcHBpZD1wcF9Db3Zlcg-- L01853438 012889  Source: Stearns, Peter N. Globalization in World History. Vol. Second edition, Routledge, 2017, pg 182
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