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Impacts of Daily Management on Company and Employees

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You will give a short Oral Presentation (time limit: 4-5 minutes).

You must prepare an original PowerPoint mini-presentation. Sources must be cited in the slides; a reference list must be provided on the last slide of the PowerPoint.

You must demonstrate the ability to:

  • communicate ideas of a discipline-specific topic effectively;
  • organise material in a logical manner;
  • communicate clearly in verbal format;
  • engage your audience;
  • integrate sources into your speech.

Then you will lead a Discussion for 10-11 minutes.

At least 10 days prior to the seminar you will need to provide your group members reading materials and discussion questions on the topic to enable them to prepare for the seminar discussion. All group members must participate in the seminar discussion.

You must demonstrate the ability to:

  • start a discussion
  • maintain a discussion (encourage participation)
  • clarify contributions (where necessary)
  • prevent domination
  • manage the time
  • sum up the discussion

A power point, a speech, and 10 questions based on my speech and PowerPoint were written out.


Must be written out in 10 questions    Five slides   And the answers to the 10 questions must be found in my speech or in the PowerPoint.


Student’s Name


Professor’s Name


Impacts of Daily Management on Company and Employees

What could happen if organizations did not have a well-established daily management schedule? Can an organization’s management impact its customer relations?  It is important to understand what management is as the starting point. Borse (2016), management is the process involving decision making, planning, leading, organizing, motivating, and controlling human, information, physical and financial resources. In any given organization, the core objective of management is to help an organization reach its goals effectively and efficiently. Organizations are faced with many challenges, and effective daily management serves as the starting point for long-term planning and management at large. Management does not impact the organization alone as the employees are also part of the management’s success or failure; the output of an organization is related to employees’ productivity. Daily management helps in clearly analyzing issues before they become big problems.

Firstly, management impact affects the company in a number of ways. Daily management helps to meet customer demands and improve customer retention. Customers or clients are the sources of revenues for any company, and proper management affects the relation the customers have with the company positively, thus making more profits. Also, daily management helps in sealing gaps between essential company needs at a given point in time. When the daily management is effectively done, it ensures daily production is met as people, material, and processes are operating normally (Borse, 2016).

Additionally, daily management impacts the employees in a relatively similar way in which they affect the company. The company and the employees are intertwined and inseparable. Management Helps in reducing process variation and building employee skills and experience in work deliverables (Park et al., 2021).  Management also helps in standardizing how employees facilitate the organizational procedures by outlining the routine procedures.  Management facilitates the sustainability of employee...


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