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I am Rich Case Study


Case-Study01_Im-Rich.pdf  I'm Rich Case Assignment.docx  I'm Rich Dillemma Map.pdf I’m Rich Case Study You will work on this case study throughout the semester and submit a final comprehensive case study due by December 1, 2020. Your grade will be based on the final submission. You will submit assessments based on course material completed 1) personal financial statements and cash flow, 2) credit, loans and insurance, 3) Investments/retirement and then 4) final comprehensive recommendations based on your earlier assessments. The purpose of completing the case study in segments is to complete assessments as the material is learned and make modifications to prepare the final recommendations for Jerome that clearly state the amounts to allocate to achieve his goals and have a sound future. Use the Dilemma Map to plan your recommendations. Jerome is asking about marriage and a house, but you think there is more work to be done. Knowing Jerome has difficulty budgeting you must make specific recommendations to spend, save and invest. Complete this in a 500-word presentation/essay
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